
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tear Down that Wall!--or chain link fence.

This week I've heard several clips of President Reagan's famous "Tear Down that Wall" from the '90's and naturally that was the first thing that popped into my head as I was trying to come up with a witty title for this post.
This weekend Steve tore down part of that hideous chain link that was slammed up against our neighbor's very nice wooden privacy fence.

This pict was taken last summer after the hydrangeas had faded and the weeds were in full force.
Note the chain link running along the privacy fence.  Yuck!

Here it is now--in February.  The chain link is gone!  It looks a thousand times better--to me anyway. You can see we took out some of the hydrangeas to make way for three wonderful Tea Olives that had been planted under the magnolias--what were they thinking?!  I do love a nice long bank of hydrangeas and plan to plant another one after we fill the HOLE.

Funny how small things make big impacts.

Here's a sign of spring that really perked me up.
Before we moved the first time back in 2009, I tried to pot as much of my garden as possible.  Sad to say not a lot survived three moves.  But it looks like this small bunch of daffodils is hanging in there. The fern in the back has done great. I bought it last spring as filler for the deck at Spence Ave. Maybe we need another or two?

The weather today is fantastic--highs in the 60s they say.  I'm off  to play in the yard and hunt for more signs of spring.