
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Walk

Like I've said before, I love going for walks in my neighborhood.
Today I took a few pictures of some Pretty Old Houses using my phone.
Please pardon the quality.

This house is Pretty, but I thought the yard was especially nice.

This one is a very good example of light (almost white) brick with dark brown trim.  It keeps it's tudor look but is fresher and up to date. A few details I like: the window in the door is off center but balances the tiny window to the left, the double chimney chases (this probably has a name), there are window boxes and urns on the front stoop.

  Now, this one...has been remodeled and added on to I'm sure.  I love the balanced gables and the crossed mullions in the upstairs windows.  The front porch is just marvelous with it's beefy craftsman columns. The landscaping is really nice, too.

This little beauty has a very attractive paint scheme.  It's a khaki green with dark green trim and the orange/red front door.  Nice.

This morning was cool and not too humid. I should walk more often.
