
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pretty Garden Pots

This weekend is Mother's Day and that means it's time for the

I have to talk about each of these pots a little.
This one was fan-tas-tic. It was done by a pro who specializes in pots- judging from the number of excellent ones he had.
There's a large mature boxwood (or maybe it's a holly) topiary in the center surrounded by angel wing begonias and delicate little ferns.  Believe me when I say I wasn't the only Garden Tourist with my head stuck down in the foliage.  Just look at the others perched by the stairs.

This is one of my favorite garden tours in Atlanta--if not my very favorite.

This little beauty was out in the BLAZING sun. It's really simple when you look closely. I'll bet you could buy all the plants at Lowe's.  One thing that really came off well was it had a twin on the other corner of the pond. Symetry is always nice.

Some years the High Museum's Artful Garden Tour is better, but the Botanical Garden's Connoisseurs Tour never disappoints.

This window box was done by the same pro as the first pot. Can you tell?  It has some interesting plants that aren't what we see everyday--unless we're in the trade. I'm not convinced I wouldn't kill this gem in about a day.

I've been thumbing back through photos from past Tours (2010 and 2010 part II)and have decided to share a few pretty pots and pot arrangements. 

There are always lots of examples where gardeners put pots in the middle of beds.  I can think of a couple of really good reasons--pots provide splashes of color and pots fill in bald spots. It's kinda like a bed weave.
This one isn't all that complicated-- a fern in the middle with some sedum, lirope or lemon grass and begonias round the side. This bed was on that terrace I posted about here.

Some of these were done by pros but others were made by regular folks.

This pot belongs to the "give a splash of color" catagory.  What I like most about this pot was the POT.
I have a friend who would give anything for this urn.

I hope you can glean a few good ideas and a little inspiration.

How about this urn? You might recognize this pict from the post on terraces. Again, this isn't that complicated. It has some flax, I think that's the spike, and some sedum.  One thing that makes this pot is the chipped slate mulch.  I've been experimenting with mulching my pots--I think I need to branch out a little.

These driveway pots were so elegant.  The pots were great, but the clipped hollys made it.
This would last all year and give that interest in the winter.  In fact they might look better in winter--they'd show up even more.  Again these are from the Pot Pro.

More from the Pot Pro.  This is a veriegated privet, I think, with begonias and three kinds of ferns.

I took this pict for inspiration on arranging several small-ish pots.  You know those big daddys cost a lot of money.  The largest pot in the back is sitting on a couple of bricks.  The bamboo pole teepee gives it some height and will provide support for the tomato.  Pot feet are used to vary the height of the other pots. I imagine there are small bits of tile or something under the others--never sit a pot on a wooden deck--it'll leave a mark.  This is probably an herb garden--the gardener might have filled in with some annuals for the tour.  I liked it--I could do this.


Here is another example of using pots to fill in a bed.  One is sitting on a big rock--I like that--it keeps the pot level.  Again, the plants aren't particularily unique, but the bed comes off well.  This is the Garden of Good and Evil, don't you know.

I'm really looking forward to spending Mother's Day tooling around in somebody else's yard.