
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Twas the Night Before Christmas--at Joan's Pretty Old House

Twas the night before Christmas

When all through this dollhouse Joan's dad made for Joan and her sister which Joan lovingly restored...

Not a creature was the downstairs bathroom adorned to the rafters with Christmas Cheer.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds...which adjoins this festive loo with it's painted vanity.

When out on the lawn...surrounded by this lovely white picket fence with garland, bows and hurricane lamps...

The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow gave the luster of midday to objects below...

When what to my wondering eyes should appear...more than I can possibly take in in one visit!

I new in a moment he must be St. Nick!

His clothes were all covered with ashes and soot...not in this house.

I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight...

Happy Christmas to all
and to all a 
Good Night!

I hope your Christmas is filled with love and laughter.

Thanks for joining me for "Christmas at Joan's Pretty Old House."
